Segmentation has the power to create conversions in any space. Take a marketing campaign as a whole and break it down into clusters that fit specific demographics, attributes, buyers, and more. This system is available for any level of a marketing campaign with many types of segmentation available (see Segmentation 3 Ways Article). We are going to take a deeper dive into the effects of segmentation on five of the top industries of today.
1. Production
The production industry uses segmentation to utilize a complete production capacity for a lowered overall business risk. If a production company segments into multiple product production, they are no longer relying on just one marketing for sales revenue. This strategy gains traction for increasing brand recall and more in the production capacity.
2. Retail
People are so diverse. They come from different cultures, backgrounds, and locations. This makes marketing to people just as diverse. The products that appeal to one person, may be the exact opposite of what another wants. The retail industry has a huge advantage in the delivery of their marketing messages using segmentation. Research on your ideal customer profile will narrow your target margins and increase the opportunity for conversions.
3. Entertainment
Movie theaters, concert venues, ticket providers, and more. The entertainment industry has a variety of choices to keep people happy, informed, and…entertained. How can the industry capitalize on the consumer’s need for a fun-filled evening? Segmentation can deliver the best information to the right person in the best place at the right time. Market the events and options that fit a specific geolocation or demographic. People in a city may be more apt to visit a movie theater for a midnight release of the newest action film, whereas more rural areas may be more inclined to buy tickets to an upcoming concert at the local fair. Find what people enjoy in specific areas and segment your marketing to fit.
4. Food Service
From restaurants and fast food to fish markets and produce stands – food is always in demand. This industry uses segmentation regularly and it often defines part of the culture of an area. New England will cater to clams and fresh seafood, while the Southwest places a high value on vegan or healthy food options. Major brands such as McDonalds will determine the menu of an area based on these segmentation systems. Only certain places in the US will you receive a lobster roll from the golden arches. This type of segmentation not only delivers a better ROI, but it gives consumers the best products possible for their areas. A win-win.
5. Service Industry
There will always be people who need an electrician, a plumber, landscaping done, or a maid service. However, the way these services distribute to the local pool is different based on area demographics, behavioral choices, and location. People in a lower income area may not have a high demand for in-home cleaners but are always looking for automotive services. People in a large city have a higher demand for delivery services, while suburban areas are looking for lawn maintenance services.
Knowing ideal customer profiles, high volume geographical locations, and the buying patterns of your consumers will increase conversions in any industry if paired with proper segmentation systems. Visualmatic™ offers a one-stop shop for building consumer profiles within a brand app, delivering high-impact messages to consumers at relevant times in relevant locations, and give full-scope measuring ability from impressions to point of sale. Finally, a software for any app that does it all.